Crazy Cake in a Multicooker
- Ingredients:
- 200 g flour
- 120-150 g of sugar
- 4 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- a pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
- 1 teaspoon vinegar
- 4 tbsp. oil
- 1 glass of water
- Cream:
- banana
- 1 teaspoon cocoa powder

What is so remarkable about this pie and why is it called crazy? It's simple! It includes no eggs, no dairy products, only the dry ingredients, a little oil and water ( this recipe is, by the way, vegan). Whatever the source, where you will come across this recipe, be sure to read the history of this cake. It appeared in the 30s in America during the Depression, when there was no varienty food that explains the range of ingredients. When combined with a cream made of banana and cocoa powder - we get an excellent cake!
Step by step recipe description:
Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl: flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, vanilla sugar, cocoa.
Pour the batter into the pot of a multicooker or a baking pan if you want to bake Crazy cake in the oven (lightly grease the bottom and walls of the pot/pan with oil).
Bake in the mode "Baking" for 40-60 minutes. Remove the cake from the pot using a steaming tray. You can then cut the cake into two layers and grease each of them with cream.
Recipes for multicooker
Crazy Cake in a Multicooker - step by step recipe with pictures
Recipes for multicooker
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